*==* Heroes in Love 2001 Stream Good Quality

Watch Heroes in Love online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Heroes in Love cinema online for free. The movie Heroes in Love has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the site. Lian' Ai Qiyi is a collection of short films about young love in Hong Kong. The first is the story of Joe a shy lesbian who falls madly in love a strange woman. In fact, Joe's attraction is so strong that she decides to kidnap the woman and hold her a prisoner at her flat. An inexperienced kidnapper, Joe muddles her way through her first days as jailor, slowly but surely winning her captive's heart. In My Beloved, a deranged pizza boy named Robin is the main character and the story starts on the day he purchases a new handgun called the "Ejaculator". Robin so loves his new weapon that he eats, sleeps, and drinks with it, until finally the gun begins talking to him like a lover. Og, G! is the third short: two teenagers who meet on the Internet.get along well despite their mismatched personalities, Lawrence being an immature slob, and Charlene a dreamer seeking an idealized romantic love. But their platonic relationship blossoms into something more once they decide to meet in the flesh.

Year: 2001
Genre : Drama, Romance
Runtime: 90 minutes
Release Date: 2001-04-20
Actors : Charlene Choi, Lawrence Chou

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