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Taimour & Shafi'aa Summary: Taymour (Ahmed elSakka) and Shafika (Mona Zaki) have grown up together as next door neighbours and are deeply in love. However, their love is put to the test when he is assigned to protect her as her personal body guard when she is promoted to the level of Minister.
Year: 2007
Genre :
Release Date: 2007-06-22
Actors : Ahmed El Sakka, Mona Zaki, Hala Fakher, Ragaa Al-Giddawy

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Taimour Shafiaa 2007 – EveryFad Taymour Ahmed elSakka and Shafika Mona Zaki have grown up together as next door neighbours and are deeply in love However their love is put to the test when he is assigned to protect her as her personal body guard when she is promoted to the level of Minister Taimour Shafiaa 2007 — The Movie Database TMDb Taymour Ahmed elSakka and Shafika Mona Zaki have grown up together as next door neighbours and are deeply in love However their love is put to the test when he is assigned to protect her as her personal body guard when she is promoted to the level of Minister Taimour Shafiaa 2007 Taymour Ahmed elSakka and Shafika Mona Zaki have grown up together as next door neighbours and are deeply in love However their love is put to the test when he is assigned to protect her as her personal body guard when she is promoted to the level of Minister TAIMOUR SHAFIAA film taimour shafiaa new film hayil ratit moviedvd com Taymoor Wa Shafiqa 2008 Overview Overview of Taymoor Wa Shafiqa 2008 directed by Khaled Marei with Ahmed El Sakka Mona Zaki Hala Fakher at Turner Classic Movies The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures Taimour Shafiaa Romance Comedy Drama This movie has it all The story revolves around Taimour who studies to be a policeman and later on to be a private bodyguard who has always been in love with Shafiaa the neighbors daughter who grows up to be an A student and a professor in Nature and later on a Minster of Nature Tīmūr wa Shafīqah Taimour Shafiʼaa DVD video 2000s Taimour a police academy student is in love with Shafiaa and wants to marry her But when Shafiaa is appointed the Minister of Environment Taimours role changes to bodyguard and protector When she is kidnapped in a political conspiracy he does everything he can to rescue her and more mostafaboutaba2008 YouTube FILM TAIMOUR SHAFIAA NEW FILM HAYIL RATIT MOVIEDVD COM mostafaboutaba2008 uploaded a video 11 years ago 430 ADJONKI NARIF Arabic Movies w English Subtitles Middle East and North Taimour Shafiaa by Ahmed El Sakaa Yaqbians building by Adel Emam Ebn Ezz by Alaa Waley Al Deen Al Bahth an fedee7a by Adel Emam There are still more movies coming up soon and we will have updated lists all the time Bolica Web Design Taimour Shafiaa Ahmed El Saqa Taimour Shafiaa Ahmed El Saqa Mona Zaki تيمور أحمد السقا وشفيقة منى ذكى تربطهما قصة حب تيمور ضابط شرطة يتم نقله للحراسات الخاصة وشفيقة تصبح وزيرة

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